critical thinking skills

Curriculum Embedded Task
Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)
Justin I. Minkel
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History / Social Studies
2, 3
Elementary (K-5)

Students will consider the experience of immigration from the point of view of children who have immigrated to the U.S., based on a blend of fiction and nonfiction texts. These texts might include immigrants who lived in the past as well as contemporary times. Students compare and contrast the...

Assessment Infrastructure & Costs
Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE)
Barry Topol
John Olson
Ed Roeber
Pat Hennon
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As policymakers consider the costs of new assessment systems, it is important to understand the costs of existing testing systems that have evolved at the local as well as state levels, currently pointed at improving performance on No Child Left Behind (NCLB) summative tests. To examine these...