research paper

Curriculum Embedded Task
Summit Public Schools
No votes yet
Environmental Science
10, 11, 12
High (9-12)

In this task, students will answer the essential question: How can humans best balance our own interests and needs with the health of the environment? Students will understand how humans impact the sustainability of the Earth, how humans can effect change through individual actions, and learn...

Effects of War

Curriculum Embedded Task
Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC)
No votes yet
English / Language Arts
11, 12
High (9-12)

Students select a topic about the impact of war on combatants or another group affected by war.

Students conduct independent historical research on their chosen topic in addition to selecting and reading two to three poems centered on the British experience in World War I.


Curriculum Embedded Task
Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC)
No votes yet
Human Anatomy & Physiology
11, 12
High (9-12)

Assuming the role of a potential personal trainer, students write a research paper describing the various aspects of a typical skeletal muscle fiber (cell). In the paper, students include information on the basic anatomy of a muscle fiber, the sliding filament theory, and the roles of both ATP...

Curriculum Embedded Task
Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC)
Average: 5 (1 vote)
English / Language Arts
9, 10
High (9-12)

In this task, students will read a fiction novel of their choice containing a modern social issue. Students will then conduct research on the social issue and write a research paper that analyzes and compares/contrasts the depiction of a social issue in the novel in relation to the reality of...

Complex Project
Providence Schools
Average: 5 (1 vote)
English / Language Arts
High (9-12)
The big goals of this project are for students to write a 10-page research paper and give a 10-minute oral presentation as part of the school’s graduation requirement.