Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE)
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The Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE) has developed a updated quality checklist for rubric quality. This checklist was designed to guide educators who are developing and using rubrics as part of performance assessments.
Common Assignment Study, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE)
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This document, created for the Common Assignment Study project by the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE), lists and explains the criteria of a quality LDC task, including task clarity and coherence, content, texts, and the writing product.
This protocol applies the QPA framework to develop and implement a standards-based common performance assessment, ensuring that technical quality and collaboration are built into the process. When teachers collaborate to design, implement, and score performance assessments, they are more likely...
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE)
Average: 4(1 vote)
These criteria aim to communicate design principles for the creation of quality performance assessments.
Performance assessments offer a departure from traditional assessment frameworks. In performance assessments, students develop and demonstrate mastery of standard-aligned content and...
This protocol guides users through the process of receiving feedback to fine-tune tasks. Tasks are evaluated by peers against QPA's Guidlines for Common Tasks.
The purpose of this protocol is to ensure assessments have technical quality. This protocol can be used with performance assessments as well as traditional assessments. When we share our assessments with our colleagues, we are more likely to uncover our blind spots and assumptions.