task review

Quality of Performance Tasks
Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)
No votes yet

For the Literacy Design Collaborative, national jurying is a process for identifying LDC modules that include teaching tasks and instructional ladders that warrant being shared across the community of practice, both at the Good-to-Go level and at the even higher and even more impressive...

Quality of Performance Tasks
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE)
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This quality review tool is used to evaluate performance tasks for inclusion in this resource bank.


Quality of Performance Tasks
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The purpose of this protocol is to ensure assessments have technical quality. This protocol can be used with performance assessments as well as traditional assessments. When we share our assessments with our colleagues, we are more likely to uncover our blind spots and assumptions.

Task Templates and Design Process
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
No votes yet

This protocol guides users through the process of receiving feedback to fine-tune tasks. Tasks are evaluated by peers against QPA's Guidlines for Common Tasks.