
Curriculum Embedded Task
Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)
Christine A. Ellis
No votes yet
English / Language Arts
History / Social Studies
Elementary (K-5)

During the years 1892-1954, Ellis Island became the first stop for many immigrants as they began their new lives in America. In this module, students will write a museum exhibit description explaining the importance of Ellis Island. This would be the language for a portal sign, or point of...

Curriculum Embedded Task
Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)
Justin I. Minkel
No votes yet
History / Social Studies
2, 3
Elementary (K-5)

Students will consider the experience of immigration from the point of view of children who have immigrated to the U.S., based on a blend of fiction and nonfiction texts. These texts might include immigrants who lived in the past as well as contemporary times. Students compare and contrast the...

Curriculum Embedded Task
Inquiry By Design, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE)
Average: 5 (2 votes)
English / Language Arts
High (9-12)

This task teaches the basics of argument and requires students to demonstrate their ability to read a text critically as well as to write an evidence-based essay. Before students complete the task, they will participate in scaffolding and instructional activities. These include developing...