American revolution

Curriculum Embedded Task
Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)
Patrick J. Harrigan
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English / Language Arts
History / Social Studies
U.S. History
Elementary (K-5)

Cold, desperate, and broken; the men of General Washington's army suffered severe conditions at their winter camp of Valley Forge during 1777 and 1778.  Students will read primary and secondary sources focusing on the experiences of Washington and his army while they endured the freezing cold,...

Stand Alone Task
Summit Public Schools
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History / Social Studies
U.S. History
High (9-12)

Students write an essay based on the information they have learned about the American Revolution and the period leading up to it.

Students choose to respond to one of the following prompts.​

  1. “Despite the view of some historians that the conflict between Great Britain and its
  2. ...