great depression

Curriculum Embedded Task
Virginia Council on Economic Education
Rebecca Booth
Lynne Stover
No votes yet
History / Social Studies
U.S. History
6, 7
Middle (6-8)

The students will assume the roles of workers for the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration and will create an exhibit about the Great Depression for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library. Students will choose the best objects to put in the museum exhibit. Objects are to...

Curriculum Embedded Task
Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)
Rachel McCormick
No votes yet
History / Social Studies
U.S. History
9, 10, 11, 12
High (9-12)

FDR’s first Fireside Chat had a palpable impact on public understanding and confidence in the U.S. banking system, combining information, argumentation, style, tone and the potent new medium of radio broadcasts to create a powerful shift in American public events and private economic choices....