
Curriculum Embedded Task
Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)
Gena D. Rowell
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English / Language Arts
Elementary (K-5)

This module is meant to be taught as a stand-alone or in conjunction with the Colorado Department of Education Instructional Unit Sample for First Grade Reading, Writing, and Communicating entitled, "Transformations Around Me", drawing on knowledge gained from the unit's Learning Experience #2,...

English Language Arts
Learning Media Limited, Ministry of Education of New Zealand
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This full report defines Learning Progressions as well as highlights how this methodology can be used for curriculum development and assessment.  The Literacy Learning Progressions describe the specific literacy knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students draw on in order to meet the reading...

State Examples
California Collaborative on District Reform, American Institutes for Research
Joel Knudson
Stephanie Hannan
Jennifer O’Day
Marina Castro
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Authored by Joel Knudson, Stephanie Hannan, Jennifer O’Day, and Marina Castro, this brief charts the lessons from the California Learning Assessment System (CLAS) of the early 1990s that can inform state efforts to assess new college- and career-ready standards. The CLAS included performance...

Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE)
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9, 10, 11, 12

This rubric assess students' communcation skills in three key areas: writing, oral presentation, and oral interaction. Individual sections can be used with specific performance tasks and/or in combination with disciplinary rubrics.

Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC)
No votes yet
11, 12

This common anlaytic rubric evaluates skills that cut across disciplines, with a focus on college and career readiness. Dimensions include research & investigation, ideas & content, reading & analysis, communication, organization, accuracy, and experimental design.

21st Century Skills & Dispositions
Center for Innovation in Education (CIE), Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC)
Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

In 2012, states within the Innovation Lab Network (ILN) defined college, career, and citizenship readiness as a function of the interdependence of knowledge, skills, and dispositions. The ESD Developmental Frameworks were created in recognition of the many discipline-specific resources for...

Casino Night

Curriculum Embedded Task
Summit Public Schools
Joanna Hefty
No votes yet
10, 11, 12
High (9-12)

In this task, students investigate casino games and create their own game to pitch to Caesar's Palace Casino.