rational numbers

Curriculum Embedded Task
MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham
No votes yet
9, 10, 11, 12
High (9-12)

This lesson unit is intended to help you assess how well students reason about the properties of rational and irrational numbers. In particular, it aims to help you identify and assist students who have difficulty:

  • Finding irrational and rational numbers to exemplify general
  • ...
Curriculum Embedded Task
MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham
No votes yet
9, 10, 11, 12
High (9-12)

This lesson unit is intended to help you assess how well students are able to:

  • Use the properties of exponents, including rational exponents and manipulate algebraic statements involving radicals.
  • Discriminate between equations and identities.

In this lesson...

Curriculum Embedded Task
MARS, Shell Center, University of Nottingham
No votes yet
9, 10, 11, 12
High (9-12)

This lesson unit is intended to help you assess how well students are able to distinguish between rational and irrational numbers. In particular, it aims to help you identify and assist students who have difficulties in:

  • Classifying numbers as rational or irrational.
  • Moving
  • ...
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
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Prior work on the CBAL™ mathematics competency model resulted in an initial competency model for middle school grades with several learning progressions (LPs) that elaborate central ideas in the competency model and provide a basis for connecting summative and formative assessment. In...