Scoring Performance Tasks and Designing Instruction

Implementation strategies, calibration protocols, task revision and instructional implications.


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Results: 22 Scoring Tasks / Designing Instruction Sort by:
Planning Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction
Common Assignment Study, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE)
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This resource provides a template to plan instruction.  The template is divided into three sections:

1)  identify desired results

2)  determine acceptable evidence

3)  plan learning experiences and instruction

Planning Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction
Common Assignment Study, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE)
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This resource outlines elements of unit quality as well as guiding questions to promote collaborative analysis of student work.

Learning from Student Work
Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE)
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This protocol provides a structured process and a set of analytic questions to guide a collaborative discussion centered around student work. It is best used for collaborative learning among teams of educators.

Learning from Student Work
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
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This resource outlines a five step process for teachers to collaborate as they categorize student work and identify future learning objectives.

Learning from Student Work
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
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The purpose of this resource is to help practitioners to reflect on question(s) of assessment practice, the Common Core State Standards, and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DoK) framework by analyzing student assessment work.

Learning from Student Work
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
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This resource guides practitioners as they collect, prepare, and use performance assessment data to drive student achievement and quality instruction.