Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)

Implementing Performance Assessment
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
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This resource provides a checklist to help guide the development and implementation of performance assessments. Performance assessments are multi-step, complex activities with clear criteria, expectations and processes that enable student to interact with meaningful content and that measure the...

Learning from Student Work
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
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This resource guides practitioners as they collect, prepare, and use performance assessment data to drive student achievement and quality instruction.  

Learning from Student Work
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
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The purpose of this resource is to help practitioners to reflect on question(s) of assessment practice, the Common Core State Standards, and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DoK) framework by analyzing student assessment work.

Learning from Student Work
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
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This resource outlines a five step process for teachers to collaborate as they categorize student work and identify future learning objectives.

Planning Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
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The purpose of the Quality Performance Assessment (QPA) Framework is to provide guidance to teachers and adminis-
trators on how to design a performance assessment system.

State Examples
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE), National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment
Paul K. Leather
Scott F. Marion
Dan French
No votes yet

This executive summary outlines how New Hampshire will integrate performance assessments into its state assessment and accountability systems.

The proposed performance assessment system will be based on:

1. competencies that provide state-defined learning expectations,

2. a...

Scoring Performance Tasks
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
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The purpose of this resource is to explore rubric creation and scoring to better understand rubric use in schools and classrooms.  By examining "cookie quality," educators can practice utilizing a rubric and following an inquiry-based template.

Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
Average: 5 (1 vote)
9, 10, 11, 12

This common analytic rubric evaluates students' ability to craft a position or argument and communicate the position effectively in writing.

Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
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9, 10, 11, 12

This common analytic rubric evaluates students' research skills and can be used independently or in tandem with another rubric.

Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
No votes yet
English / Language Arts
9, 10, 11, 12

This common analytic rubric assesses students' ability to engage in literary analysis and develop and support arguments related to that analysis.


Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
No votes yet
9, 10, 11, 12

This common analytic rubric evaluates students' visual and media skills and can be used independently or in tandem with another, discipline-specific rubric.

Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
Average: 1 (1 vote)
9, 10, 11, 12

This common analytic rubric evaluates students' oral communication skills and can be used independently or in tandem with another, discipline-specific rubric.

Curriculum Embedded Task
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE), New Hampshire Task Bank
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English / Language Arts
9, 10, 11, 12
High (9-12)

Building from a prior written assignment, students will develop an oral presentation making the arguments conveyed in the written work.

This common oral communication task can be used at any point throughout the year after at least one written work assignment has been completed. Students...

Curriculum Embedded Task
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE), New Hampshire Task Bank
No votes yet
English / Language Arts
9, 10, 11, 12
High (9-12)

Students write a research paper about a topic that has been touched on in class that they would like to know more about. This is a common task and rubric for research papers. As shown, this is the final research paper of the year, however the task and rubric may be applied to other research...

Implementing Performance Assessment
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
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Field testing is the process of incorporating your validated performance assessment into the classroom with your students.  This is where we take the task to the next level to see how it works in an authentic assessment situation.

Quality of Performance Tasks
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
Average: 5 (1 vote)

The purpose of this protocol is to ensure assessments have technical quality. This protocol can be used with performance assessments as well as traditional assessments. When we share our assessments with our colleagues, we are more likely to uncover our blind spots and assumptions.

Task Templates and Design Process
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
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This protocol guides users through the process of receiving feedback to fine-tune tasks. Tasks are evaluated by peers against QPA's Guidlines for Common Tasks.


Task Templates and Design Process
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
No votes yet

This protocol applies the QPA framework to develop and implement a standards-based common performance assessment, ensuring that technical quality and collaboration are built into the process. When teachers collaborate to design, implement, and score performance assessments, they are more likely...

Scoring Performance Tasks
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
No votes yet

This protocol leads teachers through the process of scoring student work reliably and accurately using anchor papers, rubrics, scoring guidelines.

Curriculum Embedded Task
Center for Collaborative Education (CCE)
Aimee Gibbons
Jeanne Sturges
Adam Theriault
No votes yet
English / Language Arts
World Literature
High (9-12)

This is an analytical essay that follows the reading of Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress. The assessment will answer the following essential question: What did it mean to “come of age” during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and how does that compare to coming of age today?  ...